KVC Westerlo was acquired by Oktay Ercan in 2019. He immediately announced that KVC Westerlo would remain a local family club, but that he would also focus more on its social aspects and its sporting ambitions. He is building KVC Westerlo 2024 together with its supporters and all stakeholders.
For the medium-term, our goal is to permanently join the 16 best football teams of Belgium. We strive for our goal based on realism, a feasible financial structure, investments in education and a smooth flow onto the first team.
It is important to KVC Westerlo that the sporting ambitions never interfere with the club’s social aspect and local community. That is why president Oktay Ercan immediately proposed a five-year plan (2019-2024) to optimally unite these ambitions.
With project 2024, also the number given to us by the Royal Belgian Football Association, we take on a number of ambitious but realistic goals:
- Maintain our excellent youth development programme and expand it both socially and athletically
- Guarantee continuity with a realistic financial structure
- Emphasize the focus on the social dimension of modern football
- Improve the synergy between the first team, the youth, the supporters and the stakeholders
- Prove that a family club can also achieve sporting success
- Be among the best football clubs in Belgium in the medium-term future (2022)
- Develop a team that can play at a European level (2024)